Marc Jenni
Créateur horloger
The virtue of simplicity.
"Simplicity is rare; however, it is always the most elegant path to perfection. For me, radical simplication goes beyond aesthetics. I despise complexity; it is a distraction."

“Just as the gyrating ring forges a direct path to the movement, I establish personal relationships with all my clients. All of them know who designed, manufactured and assembled their watches ... I did.“
About the watchmaker
The quest for simplicity has led Marc to become an independent watchmaker in 2008 and a member of the Académie Horlogère des Créateurs Indépendants in 2012.
Marc began his watchmaking journey as the apprentice of the prestigious independent watchmaker Paul Gerber, who instilled in Marc the traditional values of handcrafted watchmaking.
Having completed his apprenticeship, Marc worked for Tiffany & Co. for 10 years in Switzerland and New York. But it was inevitable that Marc forged his own path; after all, the Jenni Swiss watchmaking heritage goes back to the 18th century.
Marc lives in Denges, Switzerland, is married and has two lovely children who, perhaps, might perpetuate this family’s watchmaking tradition for one more generation.

Extract from J.J Kubly-Müller’s genealogy work “The Jenny Families from the canton of Glarus” from 1929:
Johann Jakob Jenny, born on December 19, 1753 as the sixth child of Gabriel Jenny and Barbara Trümpy, died on February 23, 1814 as a single without descendants, active as a watchmaker and citizen from Glarus.
The heritage

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